All members are invited to what promises to be an extraordinary gathering of our church family, a Sacred Assembly, set for 9:30 am Sunday, March 30. Both regular morning gatherings will merge into one grand gathering. (There will be NO Sunday school on March 30. Mark your calendars and plan now to join us.)
In preparation for our great Sacred Assembly the morning of March 30, we will engage in 40 Days of Prayer beginning on February 18. Prayer guides are available at the Connect Desk & the Hub.
Due to limited participation, the Wild Game Cook-off scheduled for March 15 has been canceled.
The JCBA will be having their WMU Spring Meeting & Mission Fair on Saturday, March 22, at 10:00 am, at First Baptist Church Vancleave (15213 MS-57). All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend.
Parents (and grandparents) let’s join together as we learn how to teach our children about our faith and prepare them for the challenges they will face in this increasingly skeptical world. Beginning Sunday, March 23, at 3 pm in the Wade campus dining room, Angela Skelton will lead a new study group with the book Talking With Your Kids About God by Natasha Crain. Suggested donation for books is $10. Please pay by check or exact cash, place payment in the available envelopes, and place in the drop box outside of the secretary’s door.
Who was Jesus? Are the stories real? Join us as we study the evidence as we read and discuss The Case for Christ: Student Edition by Lee Strobel. Beginning Sunday, March 23, at 4 pm in the Wade campus Preteen classroom (D117) students grades 7 – 12 are invited to join this group led by Grace & Angela Skelton. Suggested donation for books is $10. Please pay by check or exact cash, place payment in the available envelopes, and place in the drop box outside of the secretary’s door. Yes – there will be snacks!
All members are invited to what promises to be an extraordinary gathering of our church family, a Sacred Assembly, set for 9:30 am Sunday, March 30. Both regular morning gatherings will merge into one grand gathering. (There will be NO Sunday school on March 30. Mark your calendars and plan now to join us.)
The Swing for Hope Golf Tournament is at the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail – Magnolia Grove – The Crossings Course (7001 Magnolia Grove Pkwy, Mobile, AL) Friday, April 11 – shotgun start at 8:00 am. For more information or to register, go to
This year, let’s read the Bible together! The “Bible In A Year” Reading Plan that Pastor Randy has chosen for us is available for purchase at The Hub. Suggested donation for books is $17. Please pay by check or cash and place payment in the available envelopes and place in the drop box outside of secretary’s door. Click HERE for the free online version if you prefer.
We are very excited to be partnering with this ministry to help make sure these kids are fed! We are asking our members to donate funds throughout the year. Make checks payable to Wade Baptist Church and write Backpack Buddies on the memo line. If donating online, please choose the Backpack Buddies Fund. Thank you for doing your part to make much of Jesus to the kids of our community!
Have you downloaded the Church Center app??
It’s super easy to do and is the best way to keep you informed and in touch with our church family! Make sure to turn on your notifications, add yourself to the directory, and download your picture on your profile! If you need assistance, call the church office.
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program for ANY type of hurt, habit, or hang-up. If you or someone you love needs support in these areas, Celebrate Recovery (adults) meets at Temple Baptist Church on Sundays from 3-4 pm. For more information, call Temple Baptist at 228-588-6245.